In the final days of the 20th century, Jorge Garrido, migrated to the United States with his wife and three young sons. Jorge, a skilled agricultural worker, envisioned a successful life for his family. A career in landscaping incorporated his passion for working with family members in the great outdoors.
During Jorge’s first fall and winter in the United States, he realized that not all of the local foliage experienced magnificent color changes. The local pines, spruces, and firs remained green year round. So, he named his business Forever Green Landscaping.
A New Beginning
This business became the family’s path to social and economic success as their American dream became a reality. After Jorge’s retirement in 1998, the business became known as Garrido’s Landscaping, and three families in the next generation continued Jorge’s vision.
Different Directions
In 2008, Marco and Wilfredo separated from the family business, creating Garrido Brothers Landscaping. “Jorge Mario” Garrido, as the patriarch called him, continued with the original business and created Real Organic Solutions, Corp. as a tribute to the family’s love and respect for nature.
Jorge’s Motivation
Jorge Mario’s immediate family includes wife, Maria, also from the Garrido’s ancestral town in Guatemala. After getting married and setting up a home in Long Branch in 1998, they were blessed with four beautiful children. Jorge Mario’s children and his faith in God inspire him in all of his personal and business affairs.